Variable Editor

Variable default properties

Default properties are set at the template level, and can be overridden for individual variables in the Variable Editor.

Default properties are set for the template as follows:

  • Unit System: Specifies the unit system used in the template (Imperial, Metric, Continental)
  • Unit Scale: Specifies the unit scale used in the template (Small, Medium, Large)
  • Currency: Specifies the currency used in the template. The list of currencies is built-in and cannot be changed; some currencies are included that are withdrawn or no longer exist (these currency names are prefixed with 'X-'), to allow for the handling of historical data.
  • Real/Nominal: Specify whether currency values will be shown as real or nominal

The Currency and Real/Nominal template defaults can be overridden by default settings for individual variables.

For version 16.5 Update 1 and later: the Unit System and Unit Scale settings can also be specified as defaults for individual variables. Note that using these settings will only affect newly-created documents, and if a variable's properties have been changed within a document, the unit scale and unit system will not be overwritten by changes in the template.

Types of variable editor

The following table describes the types of variable editor. The examples show what these editors look like in the preview pane in the template editor.

Type Description

Displays a table of information related to attachments saved with a Document. For information about how attachments are used and managed, see Add an attachment.

Preview of an attachment

Check box

Displays a check box which can be set to True or False. It is available for Boolean variables.

Preview of a check box

Date picker

Opens a calendar where users can select a date.

Preview of a date picker


Displays an image. Only a single image can be stored per Variable. To add more images, you need to add more Image type Variables.

Preview of an image

Line item grid

Contains a multilevel table. Grids can have several variables which are placed in table rows.

Note: The preview pane allows you to set up filters and sorting order in tables, but these settings are for illustration only and they are not used in documents created from the template.

Preview of a line item grid


Contains an interactive world map. The map can be zoomed in and out, and information can be organized in layers. Maps can be used, for example, to show location and shape of oil and gas fields, pipelines, etc.

Preview of a map


Contains a multi-line text box where you can enter comments, annotations, explanations and so on. Currently there is no limit on the length of the text stored in a memo. Note that memos do not support any formatting.

Preview of a memo

Numeric editor

Contains a single number and a list of available units of measurement in different unit systems. Units of measurement are taken from the variable's properties (see Variables).

Preview of a numeric editor

Scalar grid

Contains a simple table where values are not linked to dates; for example, oil and gas reserves. It is available for ArrayDouble variables with subcategories. If a subcategory is not available for certain variables, it will be grayed out. Grids can have several variables which are placed in table rows.

Preview of a scalar grid

Text box

Contains short text such as names of countries or types of assets.

Preview of a text box

TimeSeries grid

Contains a single-level table. To create a grid with several rows, you need to add several variables to it.

Note: The preview pane allows you to set up filters and sorting order in tables, but these settings are for illustration only and they are not used in documents created from the template.

Preview of a TimeSeries grid


Contains a chart generated from the data contained in one or several variables.

Preview of a visualization

Web view

Contains a web browser window. This editor can be used to include information from a website (for example, an internal document management website or a SharePoint site). The contents of the editor are defined by an expression (see Expression Editor) which is a URL, for example, "". When this editor is added to a template, by default it will display a sample website as a placeholder; however, in documents this panel will be empty unless an expression in specified in the template, or in a document.

Well view

Allows you to display production forecasts built in the Decline workspace in documents in the Manage Data workspace.

Preview of a well view

Working interest grid

Displays a table of partners and their working interest shares. It can only be used with Working Interest type variables.

Note: The preview pane allows you to select the operator and edit shares, but these settings are for illustration only and they are not used in documents which are created from the template.

Preview of a working interest grid